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Kick-start your digital dentistry journey

Get a Premium Membership and access our entire range of quality video courses from intraoral scanning and CAD/CAM to digital implantology and smile design, as well as unlimited access to our comprehensive resource library. Over 60 hours CPD courses and $19,500 worth of training, resources and exclusive content!

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"Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU! I just started your online set of courses on digital dentistry and I must say...this is already changing my life, my vision on dentistry and makes me a more predictable dentist!"

Dr Ramona Mateas
General Dentist - UK

"I do definitely recommend these courses. It gives you a really good summary of all the CAD/CAM systems including TRIOS and CEREC, different types of mills and materials, so you get a good overview that’s unbiased."

Dr Paul Bui 
General Dentist - AUS

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